Friday, October 14, 2011

Holy Busted Cake Pop Crumber, Batman!!!

Yup... it is what it is... I busted my cake crumber... WHY?!?!?! Oh i know why... to buy a new one, of course! Thats right! i got a brand new "crumber" and its bigger and better and that means I'm happily popping again! It helped me make these JB pops!!!

these super fun ELMO pops!!!
So after looking threw all my pictures I've realized that I have a great camera on my phone... and I should try harder on taking better photos... So my new goal is to make my photos look a bit fancier and removing the whole "kitchen background" stuff I got going :D Right, WQ?! (P.S. have I mentioned that WQ is the best?) Any how keep your eyes peeled... I will be posting more of my stuff and possibly have a Thanksgiving basket going for anyone interested in getting an arrangement for the holidays!


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