Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So what IS my thing?

If you know me... you know that I LOVE celebrations. Celebrations of all kinds!!! Birthdays, weddings, showers, bachelorettes etc etc. I've always felt the need to go "all out" for these occasions. And as i plan these things (typically 6 months in advance... yes I've started even a year in advance... don't LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!) i swear to Buddha that its gonna be amazing!!!

**This is where i stop my story and jump to another... don't worry we'll get back to the one above after this break.... I talk like this too so GET USED TO IT!**

Only recently have i been introduced to a variety of blogs. I used to think that blogs were just online diaries. I had no clue about this whole other world of blogs... of creative blogs... where people get together and share their baking, cooking, party planning stories..... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! (If you were my computer screen looking at me while I just screamed you would have seen my hair stand strait out at all parts of my head and my eyes bulge out of my head!) Well, this is where i learned that I had great intentions... but in reality... i was.... GHHHEEEEEEETTTTOOOOOOOO! :/

-----------------------------------TAP TAP PLACEY'S BACK!-----------------------------

So, when I came to this horrible discovery, I realized I had to hurry up and plan something amazing and totally redeem myself. NO I do NOT have a party planning business, NO I do NOT have friends who expect me to blow them away... As I have said earlier, my worst enemy is MYSELF. So I had to redeem myself to ~~~~>MYSELF!!! ugh... and do you know how much that SUCKS!!!! If I can go into 3rd person mode for a second I'll explain: Nessa is such a sh*tty judge!!!! Too much of a perfectionist.... its quite annoying... she always tries to one up herself and it never ends. Anyhow, returning from my adult add moment.... um.... OH YES! I had to plan something... and what do you know???? My hubby's birthday was coming up :D :::GASP::: It was PERFECT!!! And to make it even more exciting my very close friend was flying in from Nashville and her birthday is the day after my hubby's!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!! Time to plan a party!!! So, we decided on a theme: "WhiskeyFest 'Stache" Bash!!! Well, how in the hell can you have whiskey without having a stache?!?!??! pshhh.... Well, this is what turned out of it.

Ehhhhh.... it had great ideas and great potential, but GOOD LORRRRD do I need to work on tablescapes... bleh! NO ME GUSTA!!!!!!! Anyhow, my friends all had a blast!!!! EVERYONE got into the 'stache theme and the beer tasting went FANTASTIC!!! It was def a great night!!!!! I got all my ideas by searching the web of course, but I borrowed most of my ideas from here. And i've also discovered that i am NEVER EVER EVER looking anywhere else for personalized products unless you can find something less expensive... otherwise its Vistaprints FO LIIIIFE!

So I am currently on a mission to make my tables super pretty :D As I'm learning I'm starting to have fun creating cuter arrangements for my cake pops and cupcakes :D and i did a nice little practice run for my mom's birthday :D

I had a budget and it was all last minute so its not THE BEST... but its better than my last. Luckily i literally had almost EVERYTHING on hand in my cupboard. I had tons of left over chocolates and sprinkles so i went nuts! I raided Big Lots clearance sections and got all the tableware for 50% off! Some of those were only .50 cents! YA CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THAT!!! And as for my little banner there i just bought some napkins and cut them into the shape of a triangle on the open side and hung them over the ribbon and taped them in place. I used napkins for the flowers as well. I totally borrowed that idea from this FIESTA FORTY party... but as you can see... she ROCKED them flowers! I'm in the process of planning my son's 3rd birthday party... in November. I've been planning this since he turned 2 :D Hopefully I can have this whole table thing DOWN by then... cross your fingers... AND YER HOOKS!!!!!